
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Home Gardening : Foundations Part 2

  The last time I posted about our little garden was probably about a month or so ago, if not more. And because of mine and my sisters "summer adventures" we haven't been able to work on it much this summer. However, my sister and mother have done a great deal just this past week. ( I would have helped, but they needed someone to make the meals and clean the house! c ; )

  So here is step two of our little garden's foundation :

Once we had our boxes all put together we were able to fill them with dirt, which Jesse moved in for us while we were gone.

We then had to put in a few plants that needed planting, so we ended up with Gina's Basil plant and two large mint plants that aren't doing as well as they could be. :\


           The end product looked something like this. As you can see there is still a lot of work to be done.

       Mom had the idea, which she got from watching the "Back to Eden" movie, that we could use cardboard to lay down where our walk way will be. To prevent the grass from growing up through any wood chips we put down. So that was our next step, and it turned out something like this :

Now, that may not seem like a whole lot of work, but trust me it was!
Next we'll have to buy some rubber wood chips for the walk way ( which we've decided to use because they won't disintegrate ) and make ( with a wood chipper ) wood chips to place on top of the raised beds. But I'll explain more about that when we get there.

                                               Mom and Gina after a hard days work. c :

                                    And this is the other half, which we have yet to get too...

Well that's all for now, we did manage to get some wood chips put down as you can see. But the majority of those will come later. Meanwhile, here are some more cool pictures I took of our ( their ) finished work...

            We also have, in the making, a summer kitchen!! Which I am really excited about! But I'll blog about that later. c ;