
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Created for Love

     It's hard sometimes, to know that you have to trust God with your future. To believe that He knows you better than you do and that His plans for you will far surpass your own.
    Afterall the world says, "If it feels good, it must be a good thing." But our Father whispers to us to give Him our hearts and let Him protect us until the time is right.
  The truth is, everyone was created for love. We search for it, long for it, go after it and when we think we have it we hold on as tight as we can so that it doesn't slip away. It's not wrong of us to search for love, but maybe were looking in the wrong place.

   I don't have all the answers on dating or courting or falling in love or how exactly it's all supposed to happen. But I do know this. Our first love should be Christ.
   Yes, God may have plans for us to "complete" someone else. But not until after we are complete in Him. Afterall, Christ's love for each of us is much stronger and deeper than any human could ever give.

   As young people, especially girls, we have dreams, hopes and plans for the future. We have qualities we would like to find in a future husband or wife. And so we keep our eyes open, just in case. We don't want to miss something that's right in front of us. But what about keeping our eyes on Christ and not on the horizon waiting for someone to come and love us the way He already does. When we keep our eyes on Him, and trust Him, and give Him our hearts, that's when we will truly be satisfied and ready for the next step.

   And yes there will be trials, tests and temptations. But He will always be right there, cheering us on, telling us that we can do it, and promising a brighter future. We must remember that our foe is always trying to make us stumble, and we need to be smart enough to see it coming and rise up against it before he even gets to us.

  These things have been on my mind lately. It's a very important thing for young people to learn. Because it is the key to building relationships with others. Loving Christ first will provide us with everything we need to love someome else. Even if it isn't a future spouse, but a brother, sister, mother, father or friend. 
    When we allow God to choose for us and trust Him with the outcome, that's when we get our happily ever after.