
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord.......

       As we slowly get back to normal around here, I'm finding it sometimes difficult to keep my focus straight. With all the emotions, difficulties, chaos and hum drum that has been going on, it's hard to remember the little things. For example I often find myself scolding one of my younger siblings for not cleaning up after themselves or neglecting my responsibilities as the oldest daughter, instead of speaking to those around me with love and making sure that I hold others needs above my own.
    It's easy to think selfishly, especially when your at home with just your family. I mean, how many of us can say that we have suffered from "cabin fever" or just gotten so tired of the everyday routine?
    In reality however when we look past our selfish thoughts and desires, we find that every day things that we do at home with our family can be some of the best things that we'll ever do.

     There are two main things that we need to remember as christian men and women weather we are in the position of a mother, father, sister, brother, daughter or son.
    The first, is that we must love each other with an agape love. Agape is one of the Greek words for love. It means to love unconditionally. We must also remember that love is a choice, so we have to choose to love unconditionally, just as the Father has done for us.
  This means regardless of our circumstances, regardless of wether or not we are getting love back or being treated poorly. We love because it is a commandment from our Heavenly Father, not because we feels like loving. It also means that we forgive when those we love have wronged us, we must have a tendency of mercy rather than judgement, just like the Father.

      Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  Matthew 22:36-40

  The second thing we must do is remember that we do not work for men. Whatever we do, wether it be going to a job every day or staying home with your family, we do it for the Glory of God specifically.

          Colossians 3:23    And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men...

    These are things that many of us have already learned many times throughout our lives. But It's good to examine ourselves on a regular basis, and reconsider how we act. So that we make sure we are striving to be like Jesus.

  On a different note, I thought I should tell you that bible studies have started up again. We will be having them every Sunday night again just like before. At least until further notice that is. The Travers ( the family who's father was our bible study leader when we did them at the Cedar House) have graciously allowed us all into their home. ( Which is where it first started by the way c ; )
   On the first night, after we all sat through a very good lesson by Mr. Travers in which we saw a very funny illustration with a strawberry, I went outside to help Charlene with a few different things. While I was out there one of the little ones asked me to take them on a walk. And I'm glad she did because other wise I would have went back inside to talk more and may have missed realizing what I did. As I held her and walked down the driveway and back, we saw fire flies dancing on the lawn and little ones trying to catch them, heard a Whipper Will in the distance and felt the warm air all around us. All the things you experience in summer time.     
   But as I looked back towards the house and saw everyone there with smiles on their faces, the little ones laughing and playing, the girls talking about the past weeks and some of the others playing instruments. I remember feeling just the way I did at the Cedar House, our Safe Haven. We hadn't lost it after all, because it doesn't matter what building were in, it only matters that were all together. I only wish that Mr. Lee could still be with us.

  Also, Mr Liverett ( Mrs. Crawford's father ) has been sent back to the hospital a few times over the past week due to more chest pains. ( The first came the morning of the storm when he did have a heart attack but later recoverd. )  I think I heard that he will be released tomorrow, I don't have many details right now. But keep the Liveretts and Crawfords in your prayers.