
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

He Wrinkled my Tablecloth

      It's festival time here at the Wright house. That means boxes, tables, crafts supplies, baking goods and lots of other things spread out all over the house in preperation for the Carrell's festival. We do this twice a year, and yes, we might just be a little crazy for it. c ;

     But it's worth it, the excitement that fills the air, the anticipation at possibly selling something of their own is a big deal for the younger ones. And for me, I get to decorate, bake, paint, draw....some of my favorite things.....

 She sat down next to me, eagerly explaining how she was going to set up her own table and provide her own homemade gifts for the enjoyment of others. "Can I use one of your peaces of paper?" She asked politely. My first thought was, It's carsdstalk, and we have very little of it. Remembering past times where shes gone through stacks and stacks of paper, trying to get it just right. "Just one." I told her......not even stopping to realize what was happening. Not realizing at the time just how carefully she watches me, how easily she steps into my footprints, following them wherever they go.

This thought sobers me, if she watches me that closely, how much more closely should I watch myself, to make absolutely sure I'm leading her down the right path?

We sat there together, her asking me how to spell each word then waiting expectantly as I guided her. And it hits me, that my actions do not just effect me, even if I think they do.


This is my new idea for our table, setting out fresh tea with lemon, rosemary, mint and sugar to add at will. Don't know if it will do well, but I'm crossing my fingers! c ;

Mom and Steven spent a few hours brought lots of boxes in from the camper, where they were being stored. And now I fear we'll never have our den back again. :\

Trust me it looks alot worse than this, this is just the left side.

In the midst of all this, I'm trying desperately to keep my spirits up. For some reason they had been down for a while. I'm getting frustrated, theres so much to do, it seems that everyone is in a relatively bad mood, and everything is beginning to look hopeless.

And then while I'm taking down my Mary Kay table, out of the blue, my little brother Steven walks in and adopts his hilarious british lady accent and says "Hullo miss! May I buy something today?" 
I laugh and shrug him off, but he comes back when I'm setting up the next table. Smoothly I walk to the other side of the table, throw the table cloth up and let it drift down over the table. I smooth it out carefully and turn around to pick up the first item, but when I go to sit it on the table, the cloth is all wrinkled. Steven is standing off to the side, giggling and smileing.
I laugh at his joke and unexpectedly, my spirit seems to lift. He stayed for a while and kept wrinkling my table cloth. But it was okay, it was almost like God saying, "I see your haing a prticularly difficult day, let me lighten the mood."
c :

He's not this little anymore. : (

I love decorating and baking and crafting, but what I love more are the little lessons God teaches us everyday through our family and others around us. May we always have open ears and hearts, to hear and understand what He has to say.