
Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year Resolutions

A new day is dawning. c :

   Okay so I realize I'm a little late on this but, I'm gonna do it anyway since we are still in the first week of the new year. c ;
     2011 was a good year, although I must say that after the storm May - August flew by and then time just kind of slowed down when we got to September-November and before we knew it it was Christmas.
    Now were in 2012. A year that holds great promise for anyone willing to start again. And for me, it also holds great possibilities. This is the year I start the next chapter of my life, whether I like it or not, the question is: What will I do with it?
  Before we get into that though lets start with New Years resolutions. I'll tell you mine and if you like you can leave a comment on here or on FB telling everyone what yours are, or just some that sound like a really good idea. c :

    I should probably tell you that I haven't started my resolutions ( I know I'm late on that too :\ ) But it's okay, like I said were still in the first week right?

 1 ) Wake up before sunrise every morning. While this may not be difficult for some, and some may even already do it not because they want to but because they have to, for me it will be somewhat difficult. I'm a night owl, I don't do well in the mornings usually, but a shift of schedule will change that. c ; And I've seen so many beautiful sunsets ( which I love ) but not enough sunrises. I'll post a picture of the sunrise in the morning as proof. c :

2 ) Take an hour long walk as often as possible. Some days it may not be possible to do this but lets face it, we could all stand to be a little bit healthier. And I think walks give you time to clear your head and get things straight so that you know where your focus should be.

3 ) Spend my free time ( while I have it ) learning something of choice. Like continuing French studies or learning about various cultures and diversities in the world. Something I love to do. c :

4 ) Become a registered voter. Okay so not everyone can do this yet and many have already done so, but I've been "eligable" to do it for a year now and I want to make sure I can vote when election season comes around again. Ofcourse this also means educating myself about the current cantidates, and praying about which one deserves my vote. Amreica is our counrty, and I care about our counrty and the people in it very much. It's our duty to take part in deciding who our next president will be.

5 ) Become as selfless as possible. This one is not so easy as the others, and it should be something that we always strive for. So this is more of a reminder to put others before myself.

6 ) "Smile. It lets people know your their friend." c ; Lets face it, everybody's going through something. And everyone needs a good friend or a sweet smile, or just a kind encouradgement to help get them through the day. So find your encouradgement in Christ and share it with others.
   And do you know how many times I've payed attention to people in say Wal-Mart and the looks on their faces? So many of them just look like their having the worst day of their lives, and the last thing you want to do is smile at someone who looks angry. But do it anyway, because you never know what that persons thinking, you may brighten their day and not even know it. Afterall, we are the light of the world. c ;

7 ) Figure out exactly which path I'm going to take from here, which you'll here more about tomorrow. c ;
8 ) Surround myself with good things, good friends, good movies, good songs. This way when I think, I'll think of good things, and the world will slowly get brighter, don't you think?

9 ) Fill my other blog, with awesome posts about places I love and want to visit. c ;10 ) And last but not least, become closer to Christ. Which is something we should, again, always strive for.

    Well that's all I can think of right now, so let me know what yours are. c :